Gardens of Beauty & Best

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Love baby!!

loving baby is the best part in my new life!!
huurmmm don't know why, nowadays there's so many girlfriends did an abortion or throw away their new born baby to anywhere they could get rid of human being!!!
why my honey girl friends? we r Muslim right??...
even thought that its a mistake or not when u r doing that sex thing... but
why would u make the new human being, a person.. that who want a chance to 
living in this world?? be dead as soon as they arrived in this world??..
even if u don't love or care about the babies... care about ur self first..
after a big sin from doing the romance bfore maariage..
u wanna plus ur sins by being a murder?..
no honey,... even if u don't know how to take care..
and its not the right time to carry a big responsibility.. 
don't kill them, don't throw them like a rubbish..
they are human!! alive..
giving them to a persons that really need a new person in their life..
but, don't ever think about human trade... 
the person who can give this new human a new and better life..
don't make babies or other human like a thing!..

i maybe not the right person to give any advice, for reason that i'm just 18teen and i don't hve enough experience..
But!! u know what.. if i can think this way? why won't u?
 i know the feelings when being stuck into a massive problem.. 
especially this one...
just remember.. Allah is always there when ever u need Him..
Insyaallah if u ask His forgiveness and repent.. and change to a better woman
There is Jannatul Firdausi waiting u ...

P/s: Don't make babies if u don't want it...
Don't make love if u scare be in this problem someday..

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